Monday, February 19, 2007

Can You Build a List of 5,000 Subscribers this Year? Now You Can

by Murtuza Abbas

Here's a simple system that you can use to build a list of atleast 5,000 subscribers from scratch using a simple but extremely powerful formula.

I am sure that this simple system will work for you because I have personally done it with extreme success.

You might have heard about this system elsewhere but I would insist you to read this article completely, take down notes and take serious action starting today.

Here YOU Go...

Step 1 - Create a Killer FREE GIft worth $97.

Create a teaser version of your product and give it to your website visitors absolutely free.

You can do this by removing 5% out of your product and creating a digital info product that you can easily distribute to thousands of subscribers at no cost, automatically.

You can create a FREE...

1. Report.
2. Mini-eBook.
3. Video.
4. Audio.
5. 10 Days eCourse.
6. Step by step tutorial.

Make sure that your package is of extreme quality or else you will spoil your reputation before even placing your product in front of your visitors eyes.

Make sure you combine your free gifts into a powerful package.

Here's how I did it. I created a killer package for my subscribers that contained...

1. A free video that showed them how to make a money making website in 4 simple steps.

2. A killer report that showed them how to create a powerful minisite in under 3 hours.

3. 11 days ecourse that showed them step by step how I start and promote my internet business.

4. Weekly newsletter with tips, tactics and articles that I write in internet business niche.

Once I had all these gifts ready, I combined them into a killer package and named it as...

Grab Murtuza Abbas's FREE 'Profit Pulling Minisites Pack' worth $97.

Give a price tag to your free package and tell your subscribers that they will get this package absolutely free if they signup in your list.

Create a killer box cover to demonstrate the entire package and individual graphics to demonstrate the individual gifts.

Create a squeeze page and include all these graphics out there. Include stong benefits that will pull the visitors in your follow up system like honey bees to grab your package.

Step 2 - Create a Killer Autoresponder System.

Make sure you create a killer autoresponder system and include all your packages out there in your instant email.

Fire your ecourse with every email going out with an interval of around 2 to 3 days each.

Make sure you also promote your package in your free gifts to drive sales from your subscribers.

There is a neat feature in most of the autoresponders where you can redirect your visitor to a specific page once they signup in your list.

You can either...

1. Present a one time discount offer for your product on this redirect page OR

2. Just forward them to your product salesletter.

One time offers work extremely well.

Step 3 - Promote Your Squeeze Page.

There are tons of ways you can use to promote your squeeze page. Here I will show you the fastest way to get traffic to your squeeze page and see results instantly...

1. Articles - Write and submit quality articles relating to your free package in article directories like and many others.

You can place a resource box right below your articles that will help you to direct visitors to your squeeze page.

Once you do this you will see instant traffic pouring into your website within 24 hours.

2. Discussion Forums - Hunt for quality forums in your niche and answer questions out there. You can place a signature that contains your ad if you make a good post.

This signature will include a FREE offer that will attract visitors to your squeeze page.

3. Co-Reg Services - You can signup with a co-reg service like that will help you in building your subscriber base.

They will charge you 50 cents to 1 dollar for just 1 lead, therefore you have to track your product sales conversion ratio thoroughly before applying this tactic.

4. You can also use other paid traffic tactics like 'Google Adwords', pay per click search engines, ezine ads, etc to drive traffic to your squeeze page.

Just apply the above 3 steps and I am sure you will increase your subscriber base to few thousand subscribers this year.

Make sure you take action and get started today.

~FREE Video~ : How to Create Your First Money Making Website in 7 Days or Less? - Starting Today...


Learn how to start an internet business and check out your step-by-step free website traffic tutorial.

Article Source:

The Easiest Way To Create Articles - Public Domain!

Submitted by: joseph

There are many webmasters that find writing articles for their site to be a very tedious task. Many people who need to write articles also procrastinate as much as they can to delay the amount of writing they need to do. Many people dread writing articles because they find researching for the topic and writing down original materials will be too taxing on them.

You need to have your creative juices flowing and simply downloading an article would be plagiarism or tantamount to stealing, not exactly. Have you ever heard about public domain? These are articles written down by many authors that have declared their works to be public domain, which means anybody can use it for whatever purpose they want.

While most authors would prefer to copyright their work for their rights, there are also a number who doesn't mind sharing their work. Public domain articles are not owned by anybody and can be used and abused by anyone. The writers have waived their rights to their works and it is out there for the public to make use of.

You can use public domain articles in helping you write your articles. With the public domain articles you can simply edit them to your own style and rewrite them as you please to make it suitable for your needs. All the ideas are there already and its just a matter of finding the write article with the topic or subject you need.

This is probably the easiest way to write articles. You don't need to scour around the library or the internet for hours for information and start an article from scratch. For webmasters who are looking for articles to fill their site and to generate a high ranking for their website in search engine results, they can just modify the article by infusing keywords and keyword phrases related to their site.

A webmaster or website operator do not risk any chance of getting sued for copyright infringement because they are public domain, once again meaning that anybody can use it. Writing articles by using public domain wont require as much work as writing one from scratch would. You save a lot of time also.

One good factor in using public domain articles for your site or for any project is that you save a lot of money. You dismiss the need to hire experienced and seasoned writers that some website operators use to write their articles. While a single five hundred worded article would only set you down 10 to 15 dollars, this cost will drastically increase when you need hundreds of articles to fill the needs of your site.

For those who needs articles to generate newsletters or an e-zine, public domain articles will be very beneficial. You do not need to count on your contributors or pay writers to write down articles for your newsletter or e-zine. You can fill all the pages without any cost or the worry of being sued and sought after by the writers. You can simply copy the articles and place them on your newsletter and e-zine.

Public domain articles are a virtual untapped resource that many people fail to realize the true value. The power of articles, keywords and keyword phrases have been deemed invaluable these past few years for many internet based businesses and sites that want to rank high in search engine results.

The number of article and content writers have grown significantly due to the rise in the demand for articles. As newer and newer topics and subjects have arisen, there are many demands for new articles to be written. An industry has been formed and this is a worldwide demand.

About Author: Joseph Holland has been a professional affiliate marketer for 5 years. For resources to develop your own Public Domain and explode your profits visit

Article Source: Articles 4 Me And

SEO Ghostwriting for Online Publishers

Submitted by: Craig

With the expansion of third-party monetization models, many small businesses can enter markets online, without the same level of start-up capital that would be needed offline. This has made the demand for ghostwriters explode.

Ghostwriting for online publishers is somewhat different from offline mediums for a number of reasons. Many offline ghostwriters find that they are not fully qualified to write for web-based publications. With the expansion of third-party monetization models, many small businesses can enter markets online, without the same level of start-up capital that would be needed offline. This has made the demand for ghostwriters explode.

Now many publishers are moving online, and need their writers to develop skills and understand search engine ranking factors, otherwise known as SEO (search engine optimization).

So what does a ghostwriter need to know about search engine optimization? Information architecture is one factor that is effected by search engine optimization, as well as internal linking structure. A writer needs to understand the importance of anchor text, link depth, and online usability which are all prominent factors.

When writing online ghostwriters will learn about the requirements of writing in a manner that will act as link bait. This is the online equivalent of public relations, where writers will increase their clients search engine rankings by providing a stimulus for other websites to link to their clients.

Ghostwriters are often somewhat aggrieved when asked to sacrifice the quality of their copy for the benefit of search engines. This has lead to much debate amongst the writing industry, however much of this has been stimulated by the apparent ignorance of most.

As search engine algorithms have evolved, it is no loner nessesary for a writer to pump their copy full of keywords; it is more likely to have a negative effect on search engine positioning, than a positive one. Some ghostwriters have edited their writing style to allow for 3-5% of words in their copy to contain the keywords they wish to promote. This is not needed, but they should certainly appear at least once on the page if you wish to be ranked for them.

Web ghostwriting also involves ensuring that your clients have realistic ideas of what they can gain through using your services. Make sure they are aware that link building is the only way that they will be able to gain real exposure through search engines in competitive online markets. Your copy will only help to supplement their cohesive campaign. Always remember that providing quality content is a ghost writers main concern, and search engine factors should not over-ride this.

Ghoswriting for the web is also somewhat different in the less formal nature that a ghostwriter will be expected to take. Short sentences and paragraphs, as well as bolded words and sub-headings make web ghostwriting more like tabloid journalism than anything else. This is what readers require online, so ghostwriters must learn to adjust.

To learn about web/seo ghost writing it is recommended that you start reading up on search engine algorithms and positioning factors. Ensure that you know what you are talking about when an SEO agency gets on the phone looking for your services. Quality content and readability will always be the differentiating factor in your writing, but it is still necessary that you keep your skills up-to-date.

About Author: Cooper Murphy are a copywriting company that provide ghostwriting and article writing services

Article Source: Articles 4 Me And

8 Reasons Why Writing and Submitting Articles is The Way To Promote Your Business And Earn Money

Submitted by: Jeff

If you want to earn money online, your online business needs traffic. Among all the various ways of advertising a website, article writing and submitting remains the most effective and affordable way to promote your online business.

Articles contain useful information which web surfers need. If you supply this information in the form of articles, it means that whenever someone is searching for related information online, your article comes up and at the end of your article you have a link to your website. You can therefore use articles to drive traffic to your website and earn money online.

Outlined below are powerful eight reasons why you should start taking article writing seriously to boost the money you earn online. All you have to do is to write your high quality articles, submit them and enjoy the benefits!

Article writing and submitting is viral! You write your articles and submit them to several article directories and thousands more websites, blogs and search engines can pick up those articles. Thousands of website and newsletter owners can publish your articles with its authors biography, causing a viral outburst and boost traffic to your website, and help you successfully and easily earn money online. It is however important to mention that for your articles to bring this kind of results, they must be of high quality and must also be key-word rich with your niche keywords.

Article marketing is free. Articles are one of the most cost effective marketing tools that you can use to earn money online. If you have the time, you can write your own article and submit them to article directories. If you have the resources, you can hire a ghostwriter to write it for you and you can also buy some software that can automate the distribution of your articles. You can therefore use articles to drive traffic to your website and earn money online on any budget.

You get immediate results. The more directories you submit your articles to, the better the results, making articles the best form of driving traffic to your website and earn money online. If you submit your articles to article directories that get high volumes of web traffic, you will see immediate results in the form of increased volume of traffic to your website, which will increase your sales and help you easily earn money online.

You become the expert in your niche. Trust and confidence are very important in online businesses. If you regularly write high quality articles in your niche, you become recognized as an expert in your niche. Potential customers will therefore buy from you because they know that you are an expert in your niche. This will further increase your sales and you can therefore earn money online easily.

Articles increase your search engines visibility. The fact is; if your website cant be seen on search engines, you will not get traffic. People type in their key words on search engines and those websites that are linked to search engines come up. Search engines like fresh and unique content in the form of articles. If you have fresh articles and fresh content of your website, you increase your visibility on search engines, which will help you earn money online through high volumes of traffic and more sales.

Articles are a good way to get one way high PR links. When your article is reprinted by an article directory that has a high popularity ranking (PR), you benefit because you get a boost to your website PR!

Articles bring life long traffic to your website and help you earn money online in the short and long term. Most tools for driving traffic to a website have momentary results. However, with article marketing, once your article is on the web, it will continue bringing traffic to your website for a long time. You will continue to earn money online from all the articles you submit for a long time in the future.

You can post your articles on relevant forums and attract some targeted customers. Forums and enthusiasts groups are good for advertising your website, boost traffic to your website and earn money online.

With all these massive benefits from writing and submitting articles, you must take your article writing seriously! The more articles you write and submit, the more the benefits! Anyone can earn money online successfully using articles as a promotional tool.

About Author: Jeff Casmer is an internet marketing consultant with career sales over $25,000,000. His "Top Ranked" Work at Home Directory gives you all the information you need to start and prosper with your own Internet Home Based Business.

Article Source: Articles 4 Me And

The Secret To Truly Effective Free Advertising

The Secret To Truly Effective Free Advertising

Submitted by: Anthony

So you're at that stage where you're trying to get your website known. You look at all the obvious ways: paid-search listing from the search engines, paying for high page rank backlinks from established sites, paying to put ads on other websites, and paying to be included in Yahoo's directory (hefty price on this one). There are many more possibilities, but those are the main ones most webmasters look at first on the marketing side.

So it appears you need a big buget to get known, unless you have a viral type of website (spreads fast by word of mouth).

Well, today I'm going to tell you that's not true. There are many free ways that people overlook, and by far one of the most effective is writing articles.

Seems to easy, doesn't it? Well, sometimes it's the simple things that work the best. The thing is, articles, and especially well-written and informative articles, do spread viral-like. If you're lucky enough to have this happen, it's priceless.

So, the thing you're most likely wondering now is what exactly writing articles entails and how to do it.


This is an easy one. The topic should be the same topic as either your website or the part of your website that you are sending them to in the resource links (more on this later). I've seen this many times where the topic may be about cars, but the link is to the person's website that might be about soap or something dissimilar.


The length of the article generally should be more than 500 words. When you get on a roll, this is actually a piece of cake. Many article directories, blogs, etc, set the lower limit of 500 words so staying above it generally will give you a wider area of exposure.


You as the writer add on a paragraph at the end that has up to 3 links of your choosing. These are the links you'll see everywhere you article is propagated to. Most article directories prefer these restrictions of links to the resource as a courtesy for those who host your articles, so following this method will ensure your article gets the most exposure possible.


This should go without saying, but spellchecking is extremely easy in recent times, and avoid spelling errors will present your much better and more professionally to your readers, adding to your credibility.

Now, you need to find article directories to submit your articles to, or an article submission service that does this on your behalf. If you're saving money, going right to the article directories ensures the quickest and cheapest (free) method of getting your article out there. You are only spending your time, and you are establishing yourself on the internet as an expert and the place to go on the topic you choose. Write more articles, and it only gets better. You will see the results rival any advertising method and the effect of an article can last for months after you write it, creating a snowball-like effect.

About Author: Tony Kristovich is the owner of, an article directory where you can submit articles for massive exposure, and pick up great new content for free.

Article Source: Articles 4 Me And

Making Money With Free Articles - What Experience Do I Need?

Making Money With Free Articles - What Experience Do I Need?

Submitted by: Pino

When you are trying to make money with articles, the beauty of it is that you don't really need previous career related experience and that you can learn the ropes as you go. That being said, there are some skills that you will need to teach yourself or pick up along the way to make your sites successful. You can't go in not knowing anything, not learning anything, and still expect to make a good income (or any income at all).

First, you will need to know how to pick out the correct articles to make your sites successful. There are many types of content, from free content to high dollar content, and each comes with its own advantages and disadvantages (although high dollar content is more likely to give you a successful site in the end).

Second, you will need to know how to choose keywords that can help you get a good amount of traffic, without being too competitive to get on the first or second page. If you choose highly competitive keywords that are used by large, mammoth website, you are likely to never get up to those much needed first two pages.

Third, you will need to know how to optimize your websites for various search engines. Search engine optimization skills will allow you to get high rankings for your chosen niche keywords, which will help to get visitors and make profit.

Fourth, if you opt for a large website that you will focus most of your internet marketing career on, you will also need to know how to market your website to your intended audience through paid banner ads and text links. If you prefer very small 2-5 page niche sites, then promoting all of them this way will not be cost effective and will eat up more profits than it is worth.

If you can capture some of these skills and attack them aggressively during your first few small websites or the first few months of a larger website, then you will eventually become an expert. Since you can learn the ropes first hand on your own, the only thing that you will need to do before you begin your new career is to read up on how to get started (maybe purchase an internet marketing e-book or two) and make sure that you have the funds available to start a small site.

About Author: Pino Tedesco is a leading web content provider,
through free articles that are able to be copied from his article
. To get more info like above or submit articles with your backlink to his directory
at to generate more
web site traffic and sales for you.

Article Source: Articles 4 Me And

Important When Making Money with Articles

Important When Making Money with Articles

Submitted by: Pino

Keyword density and placement are important parts of optimizing your articles for search engines. Search engine spiders scan a page in a way that makes it important to place your keywords where they will be detected and recognized as a keyword, so that your article will come up when someone searches for that keyword.

What is a Keyword?

A keyword is a word that is going to be placed in your article several times, not just once as that would make every word a keyword. When a spider sees that you have a word placed several times in an article, it will determine that your page may be useful to users that search for such a keyword.

Over Optimizing Your Articles

It is important to note that there is also such a thing as over optimizing your articles for particular words, this is known as 'keyword stuffing'. When you stuff keywords in an article a spider will detect that you are trying to trick it into placing your article high in the search engine results for that word, and will instead penalize your site and your page for doing such. This may even affect the rankings of your other pages or get your site blacklisted from a particular search engine if you are found keyword stuffing too many times.

What is Keyword Density?

Keyword density is how many times your keyword is placed in your article. Most use a percentage to determine how many times they will put a keyword in an article. For instance, if you have a 500 word article and want to achieve a keyword density of 5%, then you will need to have the keyword in your article exactly 25 times. You can find hundreds of resources and guides recommending one keyword density over another and the reasons behind the logic, however, in the end you will have to determine which density is more profitable for your articles. Each webmaster as their own density that they like to achieve based on past results. As long as you don't over optimize and you are making sufficient profit from your rankings, then you can choose whatever keyword density you like.

The Right Density

No matter what exact density you choose, it is important to place keywords so that there are more at the beginning and end to produce an hour glass effect. Having the right keyword density in your article makes it more likely that you will make money off of that article because it will rise in the search engine results and be seen by more people.

About Author: Pino Tedesco is a leading web content provider,
through free articles that are able to be copied from his article
. To get more info like above or submit articles with your backlink to his directory
at to generate more
web site traffic and sales for you.

Article Source: Articles 4 Me and U Directory