Hello Everyone!
Hope you have all been doing well! I have been busy....everything from babies to cleaning to websites, etc....I will try to keep you more informed in the future!
Have a great Day!
This blog is going to mainly be about Internet Marketing and Building Traffic for your websites. Please check back often for new articles and/or free to comment and let me know what kind of info you need.
Hope you have all been doing well! I have been busy....everything from babies to cleaning to websites, etc....I will try to keep you more informed in the future!
Have a great Day!
Posted by
11:19 AM
I have been busy lately, trying to come up with the best ways to increase the traffic on my websites. I have actually double my daily traffic, and the only thing I can figure out is that it is due to my ads...
I have posted several ads on USFreeads.com and I have seen a big change....anyhow, you can post your ads for free, or you can pay a membership fee for better ads... what I did was..I got the Gold package which is only $10 per year....It allows me to ad a photo to my ads, which increases page views..
I definately recommend trying this out!
Posted by
8:29 AM
Submitted by: Saleem
If you've been dabbling in internet marketing for a good period of time now, then you know how important article marketing can be for your online campaigns. Article marketing can provide you with a lot of back links that could help build your link popularity so that you may secure a good position in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Additionally, since you will be submitting your articles to article directories, it would critical to know that some of these directories have high page ranks. Having your link appear in the pages of websites with high PR would only contribute a substantial boost to your own website's page rank.
It is critical, therefore, to learn about the subtleties involved with article marketing so that you will be able to optimize your usage of this technique.
Now, you have most probably read about article marketing before, in numerous resources at that. This article isn't about an introduction to article marketing. This article assumes that you already know the basics. In the following paragraphs, we will focus on the things that people do not know about the aforementioned strategy, as well as some tips to help you out when it comes to making the most out of this tactic.
Let's proceed.
1. Though it is tempting to submit two or more articles to the article directories in the World Wide Web, it is strongly recommended that you try to avoid doing the same in rapid succession. The search engines, and Google in particular, are quite sensitive about abnormal increases in a website's link popularity. By submitting many articles at the same time, you could potentially gain 3,000 or so back links for your website. In theory, this is excellent. But since this will be accomplished quite fast, the search engines might categorize it as an abnormal increase, and they may momentarily de-index your website pending further study into the matter. You wouldn't want this to happen. So you better play it safe. Try to submit articles every two weeks or so to avoid this danger.
2. It isn't wise to submit an article that is already included in your own website. As a policy against dupe content, search engines would consider the higher ranking website as the originator of the article. Hence, your website, having a lower rank, might be designated as harboring duplicate content. This will not bid well for your page rank.
3. Whenever you're writing articles, remember that most article directories would allow you to use hyperlinks. The trick is in hyperlinking your website to what we call as anchor texts. These anchor texts should pertain to the keywords you are targeting. Doing this would give a significant boost to your chances of getting a better position in the SERPs. For example, if the keyword you're targeting is 'mesothelioma,' make sure that you will hyperlink your website to every mention of the term in your article.
4. Do not submit PLR articles as they are. Though PLR articles are great options for affordable content, they are not really meant for article marketing purposes. Duplicate articles submitted to the directories would just be rejected, or worse, can lead to the banning of your account. Instead, try to use the PLR articles as bases for the articles you will write for these directories. The information is already in these PLR articles, after all, hence you won't need to spend time doing some necessary research. Write one, original article from the ground up, using your PLR articles as the foundation, and submit the same to the directories.
5. Remember, people will be reading your articles. These are highly targeted folks. They will read your article because they are looking for information relevant to the subject of your work. If you could provide this information clearly, succinctly, and efficiently, they'll regard you as an expert on the matter and they will grow to trust whatever you will put out. Hence, it is important to submit the best quality article you could come up with, as your online business' credibility is on the line.
About Author: Don't buy your next product without checking here first. 100% affiliate-link free website of independent reviews for the marketing community.
A Consumer Guide
Article Source: Articles 4 Me and U Directory
Posted by
4:51 PM
Submitted by: Richard
All is well and you have a profitable online business selling marshmallows.
One fine morning you find that your customer base has eroded over the past month or so. What could be the reason? Obviously, people have not stopped eating marshmallows. Instead, the possible reason could be someone else from the competition is making a dent into your market.
Well, the difference? This competitor either ranks better with Google and other search engines, or he gets more foot-fall on his site through more links than you have.
Well, what is the secret? The secret to better search engine ranking is more keyword density or more back links. The competitor suddenly has not done anything to get these amazing results.
He has been doing it for some time now, only you have realized it now. In all probability, he has been writing or getting written, keyword rich articles for his website and submitting them to article directories. People and affiliate sites selling marshmallows have been devouring these articles as free content along with the competitor's resource box and flocking to his online store instead of yours.
In short, the article directories and submissions have given him more exposure and better status in the marshmallow industry than you. Well, you have been caught napping.
Internet marketing is an ever changing scenario and being caught napping is not a good practice. Articles and submission to article directories have been proven to bring results both ways, to the writers and the readers. The writers, by enhancing their expert stature and bring more links to their site and the users by giving them fresh content regularly on a periodic basis and thus attracting more and more traffic by the day, new and revisits, both.
It is not necessary that you write articles to retain customers. You can always get them written or source them from various sources on the internet. You can get them tailored to your needs and just submit them to article directories. Do not expect overnight results, but results over a short period of time are sure to show.
Ask any webmaster that you might know, he will be in a better position to explain the process of search engine optimization by the use of articles.
Use article directories, by submitting or sourcing your content from there. You are not far from the success.
You may come across sites that offer free content on the internet. These are directories that have articles written by experts in various fields. They are normally classified and offer good quality content. You can use the content from article directories on your website, but keeping them intact along with the resource box that may have a link to the site of the author. The only hitch is that you are having some other expert's article on your site with a link that may drive your customers to them.
Using the article directory, the other way round is more profitable. You should submit batches of articles in your field of expertise on these directories and let customers come to you through others websites that may use your articles for content.
Using article directories either way, is always profitable depending on your field of expertise and business plan.
About Author: Richard Cunningham is a successful entrepreneur and publisher of several profitable websites including iArticle Directory.com and My SBI, a review site about Ken Evoy's Site Build It!
Article Source: Articles 4 Me and U Directory
Posted by
4:54 PM
Honestly, everyone needs to have Term Life Insurance, because unfortunately, people die. I lost a daughter in 1998, and we did not have life insurance, and had to borrow money to pay all the costs associated with having a funeral.
With all the different companies that offer life insurance, how do you know who has the best low cost life insurance? Well I have come across a great site that has you fill in your information, and they can give you quotes for several different life insurance providers.
Essentially, you only need to go to one website from the comfort of your home to get online insurance rates.
Posted by
11:45 AM
Hey everyone,
I have been busy working on a website, so I haven't had much time for posting...bear with me and I will be done soon!
Posted by
10:45 AM